Sentiment Analysis, How does sentiment analysis work

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is the analysis of sentiments, subjective opinion, or moods from the texts that are mined from the huge textual data present on the Internet and social networking sites such as:

  • Face book
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • Websites
  • Micro blogs
  • Online chats
  • Online reviews
  • Movies and many more


Sentiment analysis definition

Definition 1

“Sentiment analysis refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis, and computational linguistics, to identify, extract, and compute the subjective opinion, judgement, and mood of the writer.”


Definition 2

“Sentiment analysis is a systematic process of computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a text to decide whether the writer’s attitude about the particular line of text is positive, negative, or neutral.”


Definition 3

“A sentiment analysis is a one of the types of data mining that refers mining subjective opinion of the public on a specific subject, product, event, entity or anything.”


Using sentiment analysis you can find out the mood of the public about anything that you feel like.


What is a sentiment analysis example

Sentiments can be positive, negative or neutral about a specific entity, event, topic, or anything.

There are various examples of sentiment as listed below:

  • You can find out the mood of the public about the present or past government by analyzing the textual data present on the internet and social networking sites about the government. It can be tweets, chats, messages, blogs, etc.
  • You can find out subjective opinion of the public about an event like a surgical strike, Pulvama event.
  • You can find out the opinion of the public about a movie through the reviews that are present on the internet and social networking sites about the movie.
  • You can get public mood about any burning problem of the country such as population growth, pollution, etc.
  • You can get public opinion about the present education system.
  • If you want to do online shopping and want to know about the best website for shopping you can analyze reviews present on the internet and review sites.
  • You can analyze public opinion about any product which you want to purchase from the market whether online or offline.
  • If a businessman wants to improve his business he can analyze reviews present on the internet about their brand or product.
  • Which insurance policy is good and which is not good for your future you can analyze it through the feedback of the people present on the internet about the insurance policies.

Hence, the list is big. Through sentiment analysis, you can get the public mood, public opinion about anything.

Sentiment analysis is useful for both consumer and producer.


What is the sentiment in text analysis

Sentiment in a text may be positive, negative or neutral. Sentiments can be further categorized in advanced categories such as sad sentiments, depressive, pleasing, boring, confusing, pleasing, satisfactory, and annoying sentiments, etc.

How does sentiment analysis work

Sentiment analysis work in the following ways-

For example, the text or the tweet is – “The product is not working well”.

The tweet mentioned a negative comment about a certain product.  This kind of comment forces a person to make a negative opinion about the product.

If you collected 1000 tweets. 700 Tweets speaking something negative about the product and 100 tweets are speaking positive about the product. Rest of the tweets are neutral and ambiguous. It indicates that 70% feedback about the product is negative.


What are sentiment analysis tools

Sentiment analysis tools

Various tools are there to analyze the sentiments of the public. Some of the tools are listed below:

  • Support vector machine
  • Deep learning
  • Neural network
  • Questionnaire
  • Interview
  • Survey


Applications of Sentiment Analysis

What sentiment analysis is used for

There are huge applications of sentiment analysis. Some of the applications of sentiment analysis are as below-

  • Application of sentiments analysis in the education system
  • Use of sentiment analysis in entertainment, sports, and movie
  • Application of sentiment analysis in the politics
    Applications of sentiment analysis in online and offline shopping
  • Applications of sentiment analysis in the insurance sector

Sentiment analysis can be used in the insurance to know which policies or scheme of the LIC is good for you or not.

Various reviews about the insurance policies you can find out on the internet in the websites which deals with insurance policies. Using sentiment analysis tools you can easily get the policies that scored maximum positive reviews of the public.


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